Written Resources:
Own Your Anxiety:
Anxiety coach and author Julian Brass shows you how to disrupt destructive emotions, and forge a new relationship with your anxiety. Instead of fighting it, Julian encourages readers to consider anxiety a gift!
Aural Resources:
Unf*ck Your Brain:
Dr. Faith Harper shows us why our brains are awesome, but when they "poop" out on us, she illustrates how to cope with various mental health issues and the non-emergencies of everyday life.
The Millennial's Playbook to Adulting:
Akira Pierce's comprehensive book is key for any young person who's attempting to do what Millennials do-- Become a successful adult! Chock-full of tips and tricks to develop into the next stage of your life. Her book covers a broad range of topics from mental health, to personal branding, to finance!
Never Good Enough:
Perfectionism is a quirk that plagues all of us, but it most notably affects creatives and artists. Dr. Monica Ramirez explains why you are so geared towards perfectionism and helps you manage and identify when your perfectionism becomes self-tyranny.
It's Okay to Feel Things Deeply:
This book is the mega-guide for learning how to navigate emotions with practical steps on how to do it. Carissa Potter asserts that it's completely normal to feel intense things, which is the first step to improving your emotional life. Her book is beautifully illustrated and comes across like a big hug: Empathic, warm, and super sincere!
I Don't Know What I Want, but it's Not This:
It's fair to say that most people in the world are discontent due to not loving their work. Career coach Julie Jansen shows you how to find your passion in any job market. Providing personality exercises and self-assessments, this book will see you through the most satisfying career change of your life!